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Our Church Communities



Our kids community is about teaching children 5 - 10, the basics of christianity in a fun loving way. We have created a thriving environment where the kids have fun, make life long friends and  no one is left out. The kids meet during the service from 10.30 to play games, eat snacks, make crafts and learn about God. This community is lead by Tiffany Messenger, if you want to know more, shes the person to talk to! 


Tiffany Messenger - 0211505905



The Intermediates community  is an awesome environment where kids aged 10 - 13 can learn about the bible on a deeper level. Its a safe place where kids can ask questions about God and begin to develop their spiritual gifts. The Intermediates meet during the church service each week from 10.30 onwards with their community leader, Jono Waterworth.


Jono Waterworth - 0278945267



Our youth aged community is a place where teenagers can come together and get crazy! This community is somewhere youth can build relationships and learn how to battle temptation together. The youth group meets each Friday at 7pm to play games, have connection with similar ages and genders in small groups, and learn what God's call is on their life. Once a month they join together for United, a youth event with a number of other youth groups from around Taupo for inspiration and connection. This community is lead by Scott and Nicole Parker.



Scott and Nicole Parker - (S) 0273358106 (N) 0272777907



The family community builds a place where many different families can come together and have fun, along with an all ages appropriate biblical teaching. This community is full of families of different races, sizes and ages, it caters for everyone. Whether you're new to church or have been coming along and just wanna try something new, this community is a great way to connect with other families in the church.



Gary and Diane Nant - (G) 0275251117 (D) 0278112035

Other Communities


Other important communities in the church are Creche, Property/Finances and Music. These diverse communities are great areas to get involved in! 



To get in touch with the leaders of these communities, find out more or get involved contact...



Creche - Becky Lake 0210383107

Property/Finances - Phil Hickham 021447163

Music - Andy Goddard 02102303507

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